Progress REports- Wednesday February 3, 2021 Parents will receive a copy of their child's Progress Report on Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Inorder to receive the original Progress Report, you must return the signed copy on Thursday, February 5.
Catholic School's Week Celebration-Sunday, January 31, 2021- Saturday, February 6, 2021 Theme: Faith, Excellence, Service
Daily Themes:
Sunday: Celebrating your Parish
Monday: Celebrating your Community
Tuesday: Celebrating Your Students
Wednesday: Celebration your Nation
Thursday: Celebration Vocations
Friday: Celebrating Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers
Saturday: Celebrating Families
The Archdiocese of NO Deparment of Catholic Education and Faith Formation are asking all Catholic Schools for support to raise funds or Soles4Souls, a nonprofit organization.
As part of our fundraising efforts here at St. Benedict the Moor School, on Thursday, February 4, 2021, students may wear shoes other than their school shoes for a donation of $1.00. Flip flops and high heels are PROHIBITED.
Saturday LEAP Test Prep Class All students in 3rd and 4th grade are requred to attend LEAP Test Prep Saturday classes. The next class will be this Saturday, January 30, 2021 from 9:00-11: 30 am. Students may behin arrivin at 8:45 and must be picked up at 11:30am. They are allowed to wear regular clothing and snacks ar provided.
Friday Virtual Class Just a reminder to all parents and students that Friday is a school day even though we are virtual. Students are given assignments from their teacher and are expected to complete them during the course of a normal school day which is from 7:50am until 3:30 pm. unless told otherwise from their teacher.
Students are graded for complete and incomplete work and it will reflect on their Progress Report and Report Card.
Early Release Day Just a reminder, because of the 4 day school week, we will NOT have any Early Release days for the remainder of the school year.