Saturday Test Prep Classes LEAP Test prep classes begin this Saturday, January 16. The classes are from 9-11:30 am. Students may begin arriving at 8:45 and must be picked up at 11:30. Third and fourth gade parents should refer to the Saturday Test Prep Class Schedule that was previously sent out.
School Safety Reminders for Parents At St Benedict the Moor, we are always concerned about safety. As always, we want to make sure we are doing everything to ensure students are provided a safe and healthy learning environment. Listed below are just a few reminders about safety procedures for parents:
Parents must wear a mask when getting out of their vehicles, or when droping off or picking up students.
Always identify yourelf by name and state the nature of your visit after ringing the buzzer. Never assume the office recognizes you or your voice. Example: This is....I am here to....
When entering the building, parents must stop at the hand sanitizer dispenser before reporting to the office.
Once in the building, report immediately to the office.
When inside, do not open or hold the entrance gate for anyone (not even someone you know). All people must ring the buzzer.
If someone else is picking up your child prior to or at the dismissal time, please call the office to inform them of the person's name. The person must being a driver's license for identification. Due to COVID-19, we are discouraging outside contact other than parent or guardian..
DO NOT exit the building through the iron gate nearest the library. That exit is for emergencies only.
Students are allowed to bring one bottle of water. Please do not send them with water in a carrying case or lunch bag.
Daily Dismissal Due to COVID-19, physical distance guidelines, dismissal is staggered:
Pre-K and K: 3:15
1st and 2nd Grade: 3:25
3rd and 4th Grade: 3:30
At dismissal, parents are to wait outside the gate and maintain the physical distancing guidelines.
School Tardiness School takes in at 7:50 AM.
Any student arriving after 7:50 is considered tardy. Parents must come up to the office when checking the student in to receive a tardy slip. When students do not arrive to school on time they lose valuable instruction time and miss important information needed to start their day. Students arriving after 10:30 are marked as half-day in attendance.
After Care Due to COVID-19, after-care is suspended until further notice.
Important Dates
January 18: No school- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Holiday